What Women Want You to Wear for Thanksgiving

We asked all the women we know to choose from six different outfits.

Whether you’ve been married for years or this is your first time meeting her parents, what you wear to her family’s Thanksgiving dinner is very important—no stress! If you overdo it, you risk feeling like a try-hard or a fancy man whose pants won’t allow him two servings of mac n’ cheese, and no one likes that guy. But if you opt for an outfit that’s too casual, you risk offending grandma Myrtle’s delicate sensibilities.

So we understand if you are a little confused right now. After all, how do you dress to impress your lady and her entire extended family in one outfit? That’s why we think the best way to crack this nut is by going straight to the source. We surveyed all the women we know (and, not to brag, but thats a lot), and all the women they know to find out what makes the perfect Thanksgiving fit. Below you’ll find what they think you should wear, what they definitely don’t want you to wear, and why.

Women loved the simple “middle of the road” vibe of this outfit.

“It’s the platonic ideal of middle class dress casual. The others announce personality—rock and roll, richie rich, Brooklyn—this one is the most unassuming.”

“I love the shoes! It’s a great combination of being dressed nice to impress my parents and looking hot!”

“It’s classic. Dressed up enough with the collared shirt but casual enough where it’s still comfortable. Shoes add a nice rustic touch.”

“It’s classic and comfortable. Take the conversation away from your outfit and to the table. You could also probably catch a football in the front yard in this.”

“Collared shirts for Thanksgiving, Christmas, Passover, etc. You only have a few times a year to look nice in front of your grandma.”

“It’s simple, easy to pack, and respectfully dressy without being over the top. The outfit allows for eating, throwing the football around, and helping clean up after without worrying about too much muss on the clothes.”

“It’s pretty basic but I think that’s the best kind of outfit for Thanksgiving. Show up, look nice, and put together, don’t give the uncles anything to mock.”

“It’s what a handsome man would wear.”

But they were less impressed by this outfit’s western inspiration and accessories.

“I think A. is the safer choice but I like the cowboy vibes of B.”

“If a man wore a hat or vest to my family’s Thanksgiving, he’d get laughed out of the house.”

“I love a guy in a cozy sweater and the boots are cool.”

“Too hip/western for my Midwestern family.”

“What are those accessories tho?”

“Stylish but casual and making an effort.”

“It takes a lot of confidence to pull off this outfit. And if this guy feels the need to wear a hat AND bandana to Thanksgiving dinner, I don’t know if he’s got that confidence.”

“Bandana, little hats, faded jeans — way too casual, and also I hate little hats.”

This one came off as too dressed-up for most of the women surveyed.

“A man who wears this outfit definitely is going to ask your dad for permission to marry you and then will insist that you never make more money than he does. Roesn’t Ronnie from The Bachelorette have this same outfit? He probably does.”

“The coat will come off once indoors so it won’t be too formal.”

“A blazer? Get. Out. Of. Town.”

“Well polished but also relaxed.”

“Thanksgiving is about family time. It’s not a gala, it’s a gathering. I wouldn’t want to eat with someone who would freak out over a gravy spill.”

And according to almost every woman who answered the survey: You should not wear sweats to Thanksgiving.

“It’s a holiday, we aren’t just watching the games.”

“Looks like he’s going to the gym. I would dress nicely for his family, he should do the same. Look like you made some effort!”

“It’s a little informal to wear for a family gathering - you want to still look like a classic gentleman.”

“I don’t care what brand they are, sweatpants aren’t suitable for a gathering where grandma’s in attendance. Caveat: If the whole family is known to wear attire with adjustable waistbands.”

“I think my family would think he’s too laid-back.”

“It’s too try-hard at saying “I didn’t try too hard”

“It’s the most casual, and we are a very casual clan. Also I think the camo would score easy points with my dad. He just likes it.”

“Sweatpants are not appropriate for a holiday.”

“I know this is cool in a city or in a hip office, but my parents would be so thrown off since it’s pretty relaxed and the least formal.”

The Justin Theroux look got mixed reviews.

“Not too preppy, not too casual.”

“Too slick”

“Saint Laurent boots are fire. When the tough jacket comes off the polo adds a preppy, nice boy vibe. I think my ex wore this exact outfit to Thanksgiving two years ago actually. I hate my ex. But I don’t mind this fit.”


“Looks like he’s going clubbing in West Hollywood.”

And surprise surprise, most ladies aren’t down with a puffy vest or boat shoes.

“It’s casual but still put together. Hanging out with family and watching football, you want to wear layers you can take off/on but still not look like a slob.”

“I can’t stand puffer vests!”

“It’s so BRO.”

“Can’t f#ck someone who sports a puffy vest to meet my mom.”

“Boat shoes just don’t have a place in my life. Hopefully my family would back me up on this if I asked them to.”

That makes the winning outfit... A.

Turns out there’s a very good reason every man in America has this exact navy gingham shirt.

Up Next: 7 Easy Holiday Cocktails to Make


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