5 Ways to Actually Get a Good Deal on Black Friday (and Cyber Monday, Too)

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You can roll your eyes all you want at the prospect of shopping on Black Friday...or Small Business Saturday...or Cyber Monday, but chances are, when you're bored and need something to do other than watch another six hours of TV, and when those sale emails start piling up in your inbox with tempting deals, you'll be singing a different tune. That is, it's easy to be cynical until you see the Chelsea boots you've been eyeing for months get marked down to nothing. Then, it's a different story. To help you go about this business quietly, efficiently, and with James Bond-level strategy, we asked Michelle Goad, co-founder of personal shopping app PS Dept., to find out how her team of expert shoppers sleuths out the best deals for their clients. Here, her five rules for navigating the situation like a pro.

Participate in the fun but don't lose your mind in the process.

"Check early—then check back often. Be ready to throw down your credit card with your favorite retailers on the items that you absolutely want. If you don't get what you want, set stock reminders for the rest. Return rates are through the roof (40-50% for most retailers online) so there's always a lucky chance the items will come back to the store or on the site."

Use this opportunity to get warm winter clothes—because they'll soon be gone.

"Reminder: this is your last chance to buy coats, boots, sweaters; a.k.a. the things you actually need for cold weather between now and June. Brands are already shipping short-sleeve Hawaiian-print shirts and need to move the cold weather clothes out."

Don't freak out over every sale and discount.

"20% off is not sale enough. If you've waited this long, hold out for 40-60% off. Yes, the selection is more limited, but if you're buying basic items, you should be able to find what you need. You might have to wait until after the holidays to get them, but you'll save more if you just hold tight." 

Shop at retailers that aren't in your own state.

"Okay, shopping local is never a bad thing to do, but if you're looking for a deal, you can save tax by shopping at places like Matches Fashion, Farfetch, and Mr Porter, which are online only. When you're talking about expensive items like a suit or a nice jacket, it can add up to a lot." 

If you have to sell yourself on it, return it.

If you don't you want to clip the tag off what you bought and immediately put it on, return it. No matter how steep the discount or convincing the salesperson, you probably won't end up wearing it in the end. Or you will and it'll make you feel kind of meh, which is just not worth it. Aim higher!"

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